

Woodbridge, New Jersey                                             “Home of The Barrons”

-About WHS- Barron Athletics-Guestbook- Discussion Board-

                                                                        Woodbridge Senior High School
1 Samuel Lupo Place,
Woodbridge, N.J. 07095

Principal: Mr. Arthur Lee Warren

Welcome To Woodbridge High School!!!

This web site is dedicated to my Beloved Alma Mater, Woodbridge High School. In the 4 years I went there, every day was a worthwhile experience. Alumni, like myself, who remember going to school & being young[er] enjoy seeing the school that was a part of our life online. I am proud to say That I went To WHS.

Another reason I created this Web Site because, In order to talk to, or keep up with classmates you have to pay monthly to join classmates.com in order to contact each other. First time visitors to this site, sign the guestbook & add some information about yourself (college, job, family etc.) I won’t charge a Dime! While you are here, don’t forget to read your old friends entries as well and Click back here often. This is a pretty cool way to stay in contact.